organic cosmetic here to stay

5 Things You Need to Know about Beating the Heat with Fruit and Vegetable Masks

I am constantly looking for ways to keep my skin looking refreshed and glowing throughout the year but I must confess that in the peak heat of summer, this is a challenging prospect.

As a self declared foodie and natural food freak I am automatically drawn to natural skin care products that provide the best skin care without the long term chemical induced damage of many popular brands. A fruit and vegetable mask twice a week is a sure shot way of plumping up the skin and retaining its’ natural luminosity long term without resorting to instant salon based quick fixes.

  1. Masks that use fruit and vegetable extract as their base are best on the best and most sustainable principles of holistic skin care.
  2. Sumer is a time when all the qualities that are required for best topical skin care can be found within the seasonally available fruit and vegetables.
  3. Seasonal produce at this time is high in anti-oxidants, hydration, vitamins and minerals. Some of their qualities are also to lighten tanned skin and protect against the harsh pollution of the environment. These ingredients will provide the best face packs for glowing skin.

4.After one has washed and cleansed one’s skin thoroughly, summer is a time when one wants to give the face an extra booster shot of masks- to either hydrate, or lighten , soothe or detoxify tired and depleted skin.

  1. Depending on your skin’s most pressing requirement, it is advisable to use the mask best suited to the current issue to be resolved. If you have two or three issues, you could use the masks on rotation.

While it is easiest to use kitchen ingredients, either pureed, pulped , or ground, it may always not be the most time and labour saving, and also quite  messy affair. To save on all the tedium, #skinnovative personal care brands like Cosmetofoods have launched a bouquet of nourishing and hydrating face masks that can promise your skin and you an instant revival.

Cosmetofoods’ Mulberry and licorice mask is a delight for those looking to lighten their skin, and also give their face a slightly more sculpted appearance. The Blueberry yoghurt mask  is a dream to increase nutrition content and heal damaged skin, the Honey and acai berry mask is a delight to enhance skin glow, while I found the Avocado pulp mask a complete skin treat filled with anti-oxidants and vital micro-nutrients.