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5 Practices to Expand Your Brand Presence

In the old days, one assumed a signature was squiggling a unique sign with pen and paper to establish your identity. Today in a Covid galvanized world, your brand is that signature that defines your identity, your endeavours, and your achievements.

Whether you are engaging with people as an individual, a team member, a product or a service provider, what is the message that you are projecting to your audience- is your brand statement. This bottom line prevails both online and offline.

Some of the strategies you cannot ignore any more are:

  1. Engaging with influencers- If your work is known to prominent influencers who have a large following then it will certainly generate an awareness about your expertise.
  2. Cross promotions and cross branding- even if there is a single call to action in your post but you are using other references strategically it will create exposure.
  3. Mirroring of the same message across platforms in a cohesive, timely and sustained manner. Random messages scattered across platforms in an impulsive manner is no longer acceptable. Your focus must be to engage your targeted audience in a gradual but incremental way so that they become totally aligned with your offering.
  4.  Appearing as a subject matter expert on other platforms, webinars and forums so that you can talk about your expertise.
  5. Finally, take advantage of paid ads to narrow down your audience and pitch to the right target. but narrowing down your audience and getting your pitch just right can be tricky. Adsense Auto Ads can automatically place your brand ads on relevant sites that would drive business to your page, using machine learning technology.